Jens Rosseel

"There are no limits to what you can accomplish, except the limits you place on your own thinking" - Brian Tracy

Motivation is all you need

Birthday: 23/07
Favorite color: Cyan
Favorite food: Spaghetti
Pineapple on pizza:


You can always count on me when...

you need help with code.

A funny story

I once went on vacation to America and when had to find our hotel we went the completely opposite way. We realized this by noticing that there was no living being within a 100m radius of us. We then had to walk the whole way back and just hope we were going the right way because we didn't have any form of internet. Luckily we found our way by finding a waysign pointing us to the right direction. When we arrived we were so exhausted we didn't do anything that day.


Went the wrong way from our hotel and ended up having to walk the whole way back.

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